GTA - San Andreas

One of the most anticipated games of 2004 has been the release of " GTA San Andreas".
The games main character is Carl Johnson. 5 years ago he escaped from the increasing
pressures that were tearing Carls home town, Los Santos, apart with the increasing gangs, drugs
and corruption. Carl goes home only to realise that family are falling apart and his childhood
friends are heading for disaster. Carl Johnson has no choice but to save his family and take
control of the streets, THE OLD FASHION WAY.

The new features that have been integrated into this game surpass any of the features which
have been seen in the previous GTA games. One of the stranger new features to this game
is the requirement to eat food in order to stay healthy. Aswell as eating to stay healthy a number
of Gyms, thats right Gyms, have been plotted around the maps where you can go to work out.
Another is one which might not have any impact on the gameplay but is a good add to the game, is
the ability to get a haircut. Another feature added to make the game interessting is also the
ability to get tattoos. A good feature i my opinion!

Another feature which will add to the astetic values of the game is the ability to modify your
vehicles. Just bring the car to the local Fender Bender to make change to the Exhausts,
Front Bumper, Rear Bumper, Roof, Spoilers, Wings and the Colour
In this GTA the guys at rockstar have given Carl the ability to swim!!!!!!!!!!! This is great news
for those reckless drivers who go off the bridge and straight into the water.
When the car hits the water you will have the option to escape from the car and swim to shore.
The biggest addon as far as the weapon side of things, is that weapons can now be dual wielded
This means more power in those gun fights you WILL find your self in.

GTA San Andreas will be released on the 29th of October